8K Warriors of THE MOST HIGH
Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth

Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth

22 April 2023

Shalawam Beloved,

I must first apologize for my tardiness in updating this years equinox results; particularly since it was a day later this year.  Thus, 2023 Spring Equinox and New Year, according to Accu-Weather App was on March 18, 2023.  I must further acknowledge and ask for your forgiveness for not doing as I said I would, to perform the research steps to affirm equal day/equal night through Oriel/Sun being the first witness. I thought I would find the time to complete the task, however, I had already committed to a equinox/new year celebration at my home, as it is my desire to return to the traditions of old in my current and future life. Hence, my energy and time was consumed with the preparations for that event.  

I also noted that the Accu-Weather App functioned differently this year.  Had I not been up at 2am, I would have missed the attached screenshots; as throughout the day of the 17th and the following day the 18th, the time shifted, being off on several of the cities captured.  That was different as, last couple of years, the times did not change in a 24 hour span; thus, making me believe what we continue to note; they are listening in.

I also realize that I may have sent the last email in haste; responding to quickly to feedback.  In hindsight, the energy around the response was not what it should have been.  So, the 17the – 21st, seems fair to me.  The Creator knows our records were hijacked and we are all doing out best to learn ancient knowledge and understanding as well as to implement it into our daily lives.  That leads me to my 2nd reason for sending this email; Passover Make-Up.

I’m not sure why I haven’t included this in the calendar, as this is at least my 2nd time doing Passover Make-Up.  For some reason, I end up having to go to Houston to check on my mother during Passover.  This year, we had the opportunity to move her to a nicer home,  (She has full blown Alzheimers and needs 24 hour care) that has 2 live in nurses, and only 7 residents; plus daily support staff and the same daily activities.  Her continence is much improved, and she seems at peace.  This trip, gardening and another project I have been working for the past 6 + months has consumed the majority of my time; which also contributed to the timing of this email.  

 Also, I didn’t learn that I was leaving for Houston until after the new year.  As such, it was a scramble to prepare to be gone,  particularly during Passover.  Thus, I wasn’t able to honor the season in the particular way as outlined in the text, so I will be taking advantage of the grace provided in the scriptures, that states, that if you are traveling and away from home and unable to honor Passover, on the 14th day of the first month, than you can make it up on the 14th day of the 2nd month.  This is paraphrased from Numbers 9: 2 -2 12

I felt compelled to share this information and updated calendar, as well as update you all on the Spring Equinox research.  Thus,  attached, please find the adjusted calendar, with the date ranges of the 17th thru the 21st for the new year; and each proceeding feast day as well.  Additionally, a few of the screenshots from March 18, 2023; Accu Weather App are also attached.

I hope this email find you in favor with The Creator and as peace with yourself!

Much Ahab,

Awkwah Tracy – Mama T

12 March 2023

05 March 2023

Shalom Beloved Brothers,

As we approach our new year, I wanted to resume sending the weekly charts for those who want to know the planetary influences for experiments and such. Please find attached, the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth charts for the weeks of 2023.03.05 and 2023.03.12.

Shabbat shalom and blessings upon the Nation Yasharal, to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of YAH, and the promises. APTTMH MTKRF!!!

Sister V. Stevenson

24 December 2022

Shabbat Shalom Brother Big Levi and Brother Devin. Praying all is well with you and your households. I have been refraining from sending the calendars since I perceived there was a bit of back log in uploading files to the web pages. I know the Nation keeps you both very busy. We are so grateful for all you do to further our re-education and spiritual growth. I am praying that the Most High sends fit laborers to assist you. Operative word being “fit”. I would offer, but my spirit is telling me to stay in my lane and be a prayer warrior.

Attached is the “Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth Week of 2022.12.25” chart.

Much prayers, love and respect to/for you both and the Nation Yasharal.

All praises to the Most High! Maya the King reign forever and forever!!!

05 December 2022

Shalom Brother Big Levi and Brother Devin. 

Attached is the revised “Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart for the upcoming week of December 4, 2022.


26 November 2022

Shabbat Shalom Brother Big Levi and Brother Levi. Praying all is well with your households.

Please find attached the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart for the week of 2022.11.27.

Grace, peace and mercies be multiplied to you both and the Nation Yasharal.

All praises to the Most High YAH! May the King reign forever and forever!!!

13 November 2022

Shabbat Shalom brothers. Praying all is well with you and your household and you are all prospering and in good health. Attached is the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart for the upcoming week of 2022.11.13.

Peace, grace and love be multiplied to you and all of the Nation Yasharal.

All praises to the Most High. May the King reign forever.

05 November 2022

Shalom beloved brothers! Greetings in the name of the One to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess!

Please find attached the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart for the week of 2022.11.06. The heavens do declare, as this past week has shown, since the opening of the Lion’s gate, the news has focused on Judah, in some form or fashion. Gen 49:9  Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? 

Note-Full Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse, November 8, 2022, the Beaver Moon, Lion’s Gate still open for another week. Busy as a beaver is the sky with Sun, Mercury, and Venus still stationed in Scorpio . The full moon is in Taurus, the ruler over money, safety, and things we value. Mercury, also in Scorpio, reveals dark hidden things. To repeat, this month is Bul, the eight month, and the third (tri) return of the month of Bul since the plague began in 2019. One can say the tri-Bul-ation is here!

Grace, peace and love be multiplied to you, your households and the Nation Yasharal!

All praises be to the Most High!!! May the King reign forever and forever!!!! So be it!

29 October 2022

Shabbat Shalom Brother Big Levi and Brother Devin. I pray that all is well with you and your households. The Chinese have a saying/curse, “May you live in interesting times.” Truly the Most High has been repaying 83 with their own curses.

Attached is the upcoming week, 10/30/2022-11/05/2022, Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart. Monday, October 31, All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween), then, Tuesday, November 1, 2022, is the 8th day of the 8th moon, Lion’s Gate Open. With Sun, Mercury, and Venus stationed in Scorpio as the moon waxes towards the lunar eclipse, we will see the intensity of Pluto and aggressiveness or Mars in effect. This month is Bul, the eight month, and the third (tri) return of the month of Bul since the plague began in 2019. One can say the tri-Bul-ation is here!

Peace, grace and mercy be multiplied to you and the nation Yahsharal. All praises to the Most High Yah, our Power!!! May the King reign forever and forever!!!

22 October 2022

Shabbat Shalom Brothers Big Levi and Devin. I pray that the Most High has been gracious to you on this past week and continue to bless each of you for all you do for the Nation Yasharal.

Please find attached the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart for the upcoming week of 2022.10.23. Events are ramping up as we approach the eclipses and the Lion’s Gate and our ultimate redemption.

Praying always for the Family of the Most High YAH. May the King soon reach His allotted number of who are accounted worthy and make a short work upon earth because is is said in Romans 9:28  “For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will Yahuwah make upon the earth.”

All praises to the Most High. May the King reign forever and forever.

Sister V. Stevenson

15 October 2022

Shalom beloved brothers and peace be upon the Nation Yasharal.

Attached is the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart for the week of 2022.10.16. The upcoming week finds us in the final week of having so many planets in retrograde motion. By the partial date of the partial solar eclipse, Tuesday, October 10/25/2022, both Jupiter and Saturn will have commenced direct motion. I believe we can prepare for the action to ramp up towards the total lunar eclipse in Taurus, the bull,  two weeks later. Lunar eclipses are thought to be auspicious signs for Yasharal. So, with Jupiter starting over in the first sign, Aries, and Saturn in Aquarius, bringing change and new ways, old this will definitely be no more.

Anywho, YAH has not given us the spirit of fear, but of peace, love and sound minds. We boldly look forward to our redemption!

All praises to the Most High! May the King reign forever and forever!!!

09 October 2022

Greeting in the matchless name of Yahushua, the anointed and soon to return as reigning King. I pray that all is well with you and your households.

I have attached the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth Week of 2022.10.09 chart.

APTTMH who is sustaining his set-apart family. May the King reign forever and forever!!! So be it!

Shalom and be multiplied to you and all the beloved of YAH

01 October 2022

Shalom Big Levi and Bro. Devin. Peace and grace to the set-apart family Yasharal. We are truly living is wonderfully strange times of awesome works! (Rom 9:28)  For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Yahawah make upon the earth.

Thank you for all you do and have done to further our progression to a elevated state. Attached is the calendar for the upcoming week of October 2, 2022.

APTTMH. May the King reign forever and forever!

Sister V. Stevenson

18 September 2022

Peace and grace be unto you both and the set-apart Nation of Yasharal!

Praying all is well and you are enjoying the break. Though the Nation misses our noontime gathering we will be at peace knowing the joy of Yahawah is our strength.

Please find attached the upcoming week’s Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth chart.

Again, peace and blessings. APTTMH MTKRF!!!

St. V. Stevenson (Sister and/or Saint, YAH is the judge 😇)

11 September 2022

Shabbat Shalom brothers and all called saints by TMH!

Attached is the Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth Week of 2022.09.11 chart.

Peace and YAH’s blessings be upon Yasharal! APTTMH MTKRF!!!

Sister V. Stevenson

04 September 2022

Shabbat Shalom Brethren,

Praying always for your peace and well-being and the swift deliverance of the Nation Yasharal.

Attached you will find the upcoming week’s (09/04/2022 to 09/10/2022) celestial activity chart. note that this chart is complies of the very basic planetary activity. As I continue to grow in these matters, the chart will hopefully be more comprehensive.

Again, shalom and APTTMH MTKRF&F!!!

Sister V Stevenson

27 August 2022

Good day family,

Praying all is well and all are having productive fasts, righteously sending up those fervent effectual prayers.

Attached is the upcoming week’s chart.

May The Most High grant us abundant peace and lack no necessary thing and some of our wants.


20 August 2022

Shalom Brothers,

Praying all is well with you and the Nation. Attached is the upcoming week’s Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth Week of 2022.08.21.

All praises to THE MOST HIGH, YAH our Power!!! May THE KING reign forever and forever. So be it!

St. V. Stevenson

13 August 2022

Shabbat Shalom Brothers! APTTMH for another week’s safe keeping. Praying that all is well with you and your households, as well as the Nation Yasharal.

I have attached the upcoming week’s “Sweet Influences of the Mazzarotj” chart. I am a little late because I was inspired by something I read on Bro. Abdoula Seer’s community page.  I have been keeping Hebrew calendar calculations for years, so it only seemed natural to add this information to the second page.

Peace and blessings be multiplied. MTKRF and EVER!!!

Sister V. Stevenson

06 August 2022

Shalom brothers!

Attached is this upcoming week’s edition of Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth Week of 2022.08.07.

Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.


Week of 31 July 2022

Shalom brethren! APTTMH for yet another week!

Attached is this upcoming week’s “Sweet Influences of the Mazzaroth” chart.

Peace and blessings to you both, your households and the Nation Yasharael.


Sister V. Stevenson